Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Feeling Somber

I am really having a struggle with being in my own skin today. Feeling kind of somber. I think after having quite a good few days of what I can only describe as a high it is probably only normal to feel pretty shitty. I have been able to tap in to my creative parts that make me function, using all sorts of mediums to express ideas. The ideas that have been flowing beautifully. Its been almost some kind of blessing(that being the help of anti depressants) to help out of a very depressing slump I have faced every day for far to long. I think today I realized and even though I know not every day can be a good day I feel very disappointed that today is not like yesterday. I should understand that no one day can be like any other but I refer to mood and feelings and most importantly an easy flow of creativity. Today as I usually do I woke at 5am with the hope to start working on some creative projects but I was instead faced with a block, such as writers block. I am very frustrated with this. I keep telling myself "It's okay, It's just one day you can give yourself a break" Well that's all very well but what of the mood part in all this. This morning when I woke I could instantly , okay after my coffee, feel a change in mood, dulled.
I have dragged myself through the day, literally watching the clock anticipating my bedtime just so I can start all over again tomorrow. This is the way it is. I encourage myself to let me be even if being is not being able to swallow because I have feelings lodged in my throat down to my gut. I encourage myself to understand that even if I am depressed today tomorrow could be different or the day after that. I sit with myself and I listen, I listen carefully to what I need and I try the best way I can to deliver.
You know obviously I'm sick of all this shit, the bi polar,the beds,the moods,the opinions,the lack of opinions,the support,the lack there of, I get it , I understand it, I just, don't know how to end this sentence.

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