Sunday, January 22, 2012


Boredom is just the reverse side of fascination: both depend on being outside rather than inside a situation, and one leads to the other.

I am so bored, so very very bored. I feel the agitation in my muscles, running through the blood in my fingers, shaving my bones. Everything bores me. There is nothing interesting right now. I am irritated with my situation, It's boring. I find myself moaning loudly almost pulling hair out of my scalp. I dont know what to do with myself, but boredom is far worse then depression. I find little things to keep me busy but that only lasts a few minutes even seconds and my mind moves quickly. There is not enough to do to keep up with me.

I sit here trying to watch a movie but I just cant, I find it boring. I almost feel like sedating myself to sleep so I dont have to feel. almost.

pure frustration. I need something,anything, what can I do?

The link attached to this at least relieved my of my boredom for a moment, a wonderful moment:

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