Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Artemis and Her Bow

This is going to be a shortish entry as I sit here in pain. I might be a grinder. As in grind at night and as a result my jaw, teeth and ears ache. I would almost choose a migraine over this. It is so bloody frustrating. I went to my Psychiatrist today. Oh she makes me laugh, in the way that she doesn't realize she making me laugh. Id say she is very interesting. I informed her that I would be going to Afrika Burn and she absolutely could not understand the concept of this or why I would want to go. 'what if you want to use?" she says, "Ja , because Im going to go all the way to the dessert to do that" , 'what if it rains the whole time and you become bored and because of this you may want to use " Yes because thats what I do when it rains and Im bored" the last one maybe a little more close to home "anger", "what if its raining and you're bored and you have a fight with your sister,then barge out of the tent and the first person you see asks if you want drugs and you use?" Yes because even though I wouldn't do that what are the chances that when I barge out of my tent in fury and rage I will walk straight into someone that will be like "hey!do you want to do drugs, kiff..."

Seriously, come on. This is why I chuckle. You know the woman definitely knows her psychiatric stuff her meds and without a doubt her bipolar but maybe I should take her to a 'rave' as she calls it. I chuckle.

I have been semi depressed lately, its no big secret. She so kindly explained to me what Ive heard before but kind of need to be reminded, that the meds I take are not a cure for Bi Polar but rather just make it easier (in a nut shell) Sometimes I think its shit. Sometimes I don't mind. It is what it is, no?

Yesterday I was standing in the garden , there was a yellow butterfly soaring around until it landed restfully on me and stayed a while,flew off and returned to my shoulder. Immediately my head goes to: this is an omen what does it mean, etc etc SO: Obviously it means transformation(this is good) Also I am going through a life change,emotional,spiritual or physical. (Yes aren't I always) Later in the day as I walked in the park a homeless guy stopped me and called me Jesus, he was convinced that I am intact Jesus Christ.

It got me thinking, mmm Jesus Christ, I don't know about that, If I were to choose from Gods, The Gods or Godeses I would go with Aphrodite, mm yes why not. Then I changed my mind I don't think Aphrodite suits to be me or I her I think She would make a better lover for mysql. Definitely, I can't be someone I am sexually attracted to, or can I. So If I were to choose, who I would like most to be is The goddess of The Hunt,Moon and several other things, I am Artemis! Beautiful, strong, Independent has a few issues with her father, free.

But no I am not Jesus Christ, nor am I Aphrodite and sadly I am not Artemis but thats okay I am me!

I did the following pictures showing my beautiful Gods.

Jesus Butterfly


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