Friday, April 13, 2012

fire starter

I am totally lost in what I am doing. I am working. Working is a little bit of a concept to me. I am working as in working towards something, planning to the core and through. I don't think anyone can come near to my extent of planning when it comes to going away.

I have 6 pages of lists for a 5 day trip away. I am certain I will get things for my trip that I don't necessarily need but I like to go fully prepared. From first aid kits to knives to planning around how I will make a fire, what I will cook , will my meat be medium or will it be well done.

Pages and pages of what if this happens then I may need that and so on and so on. So I need to go now, I have a long night in store.

Im planning my trip to Afrika Burns. I need to know how I am going to sleep what I will wear when I sleep, will I be warm enough will I be cool enough. Do I need a fire starter do I need a gas stove. Should I take extra tent pegs, are 2 torches enough, I think I will get lanterns with citronella oil. Yes this goes on and on and I haven't even began my creative process.

So to my new knife, a fire starter (thats cool), tripod chair and much much more

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