Sunday, April 8, 2012

Smiling Easter bunnies

I really need to do these blog entries more often. I know I say this every time I fade away but honestly and very seriously I feel something missing when I do not enter!

I have had a fabulous day and I feel fucking great right now. Im inspired, I feel loved, appreciated. I like these things. A lot it seems. I never realized there are people who relate to me through these words of mine. People who laugh,people who cray. I touch people, they touch me and no i don't mean If i show you mine will you show me yours.

Easter has always been an important one in my family. We are not outrageously religious or anything, some believe others don't and I am certainly not here to discuss my own beliefs. But I be;ieve in family and the bond I have with each member in different ways.

Relationships with me and others and others and me are normally quite complexed and I put that down to communication or the lack there of but when I have days like I've had today that all goes somewhere else.

I enjoyed a moment at lunch while I feasted on my moms slow roasted greek lamb (and don't ask me what greek lamb is(i shrug) I know its delicious and even more so seated between two beautiful woman. My gran and my ex girlfriend (mmmm) I think I had both of them in my arms at one point. I love to eat and I love to love.

I don't have very many words right now, Im smiling, my jaw in pain as its been for 3 weeks, normally at this time Im crying from the pay but now Im smiling right through it. Fuck it feels grand, to smile, to know Im loved, to know....

I made these treat bags for everyone today, i made one for myself too, I share some of the designs I printed on to paper bags(keep in mind each design was for an individual-- so you may not understand but you don't really need to)

Prepare myself emotionally for the morning: In order to do that I will do nothing.

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