Monday, May 14, 2012

are they flaws if Im in love with them

I would say I am down. Inside out. My body stings and my insides hurt. I don't like life sometimes. I know this could come across as being 'negative' or 'negative thinking' I disagree, its being honest with myself and i can honestly say FUCK.

Its just one one those days where nothing seems to work and yet with every try I smile and I am almost 100% convinced what ever it is I am trying will be good. Will turn into some inspiring lift off to some inspiring mind space. 

Do I really believe that. The answer is No, I do not and I will not pretend that positive self talk and happy thoughts or affirmations of some words applied while looking in the mirror work, keep looking in the mirror and telling yourself that.

But hey who knows , I might wake up tomorrow or even in the middle of the night finding myself in front of the mirror repeating "All my relationships are loving and harmonious" 
Well I think I could say that til I was blue in the face, just stating it as a fact does not make it a fact. And saying it over and over is not going to change it to a fact. I don't even understand how this can be an affirmation, one person can not manifest how a relationship with another works as there are two people in this relationship. Perhaps if we both stood facing each other repeating it, it could possibly work, mmmm but then again it takes work not a sentence.

Perhaps the affirmation for me at this moment should be , "even though I may not always be sane I am a beautiful creative being, who might be bipolar and unaccepted of it at times, I love and accept myself" 

okay--- I haven't had time to turn the music loop off for my last entry so just hit mute when it becomes stifling. 

Oh if only it were that easy for other things.

I am who I am and this is where I am at, This is how I feel and even though I don't like it, I'm okay with it. 
Fire within me!

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