Friday, September 20, 2013

Full Cycle

I spent the last week in New York with Tarynn doing things like finding the best of everything and in our search we found, the best burger,the best milkshake,the best peach pie,the best pizza,Indian and probably indirectly every others kinds of food I was lucky to have a relationship with before it was or I was seduced and then eaten. that makes no sense does it?

Days were spent exploring and being with people, Tarynns people whom all seemed to notice something 'different' about me something a little off, perhaps sad. I have to say in that sense of sadness I had one of the best evenings I will go right out and say was one of the best evenings I have ever had. Tarynn took me to this crazy Indian restaurant in the east village, crazy, fulled with so many flickering lights, I felt like a Christmas tree being in this small space. I will tell you why I enjoyed this evening so much because there was a part where they turned off all the lights and this bollywood happy birthday song came on, everyone was clapping and dancing myself included up until I realised the ice cream sparkler was put in front of me, Tarynn had told them it was my birthday and I have never laughed as much as I did as I was not expecting it and it was all so crazy and I was just like a little kid, I told Tarynn that was the best part of the entire trip for me, it just felt so good to have someone do something that to me was very special. Its kind of one of those places you have to be in to fully understand, but I think it is easy to relate to feeling good from good, right?

There is no structure or form in the way I write today and the truth is I find it so hard to write as I'm not really in the mood for anything but I do need to bring closure or whatever to the end of our road trip, so
4000 miles/ 6500 km and more of driving and exploring , a full cycle of the moon, I find myself at the end of our road trip "CaTaTy 2013"

I am already missing sharing a bed with my sister, going to the ends of the earth to find food for my cousin,smoke breaks outside motel rooms,scenery that goes from fields to seas,being told how to drive,random swimming excursions,lemonade.... I could go on I just cant right now.

I understand the concept of everything must end but I dont like it much, I just dont.

it is never the end though, the journey goes on....

Sunday, September 15, 2013

to fly

Im love the way New York City feels. I just love being here. Its the little things, like all the dogs being walked through the streets. The sound of the traffic soothes me as it would sitting at the ocean. I love how there can be a sermon on the side of the road to records being sprawled on the pavement, for sale of course. The market we went to yesterday, everything vintage and too expensive but just being able to walk through all sorts of different people , tasting different foods. The diverse cultures in this City make it all the more interesting. I love how when you walk past someone you can get the tail end of there conversation on the phone because they talk so loudly and it always seems to be something very personal. I love the way the sun shines on the old brown buildings. I love standing on the roof looking over all the other buildings, they are endless. Just walking from block to block and being so visually engaged with everything I pass is beautiful to me.

I love, I love I love.

We said good bye to our third party yesterday, that being my cousin. Obviously it leaves a large gap having him leave and I can feel he is missing. That part of our journey is over and even with all our differences it was amazing to have him along for the ride.

However this road trip is not quite over just yet as my sister an I make it for Montauk today another place from our childhood, a place we went with our mother a long time a go, a place I remember pretending to fly from one sand dune to the next, pretending to fly and believing I could. So today once again I launch off.

Friday, September 13, 2013

walk in the palm

So the trip still goes on as we have made it to New York City. I like it here, I like the feeling here in all its busy madness there is always a place of calm. There may always be sound flowing from one street to the next but for me there is a sense of quiet in the heart of all that sound, that noise, I call it silent noise.

We spent the day in the natural history museum which my cousin and Tarynn really enjoyed I am not not all that into museums but obviously found some things of interest. Mostly the planetarium , visually was one of the most amazing visual experiences I have ever had.

We walked through central park to the bear statue. Now the bear statue for Tarynn and I is a statue we hold dear as ir is one of a childhood memory. We visited this very statue with my mom when I was 11 and Tarynn was 10, we climbed up onto the bears with my mother like little super heroes and screamed. Yesterday amongst many people we reenacted out childhood memory and this for me brought a great big smile as I slid off my bear whilst holding his ear.

We made our way home in rush hour , riding the trains from station to stain, all I can say is, Im thankful for air conditioning.

As we got home there was a major rainstorm, thunder,lightning water everywhere, it was beautiful, the air still humid my skin still warm, i allowed the drops of rain to fall on me so I could cool off. "I like this rain"

Not everyone in our party likes New York but I goes New York is not for everybody just like any other place in the world, thats why we are all so very different.

I myself am happy to wake up once again in this beautiful City.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Outer Banks

I find it really hard to post when I'm feeling emotionally unstable, over tired, quite depressed with exasperated emotional energy.

In some aspects this road trip has been very testing, every ones different personalities, how we all clash at times and how very different we are to each other sometimes causing very heated arguments that turn into very aggressive and hurtful fights.

I'm pretty much run down from all that BUT I understand its all part of the journey and we all learn through these experiences (hopefully) our experiences as we see as well as our dynamics with one another.

Even with our tiring outburst I have found the beauty in the last few days, the beauty not only in the deep love we do in fact have for one another but for the last part of our trip where we have explore what you call 'the outer banks" on the east coast of the USA. Basically we have crossed ferries, tunnels and bridges that cross oceans to get to different islands where we have been embodied by sea and as we drive, the roads have basically been embodied by water on both sides, I find this to be magical. I was in awe of how bridges were built to cross an entire bay, I love an Island called Ocracoke , really quaint little beach time, we stayed in the first hotel ever built on the island called Blackbeard Lodge and you could tell, it was beautiful, with old maps and moldy walls, the hall ways were green reminiscent of ghostlike pirates lurking. Our room was like a cabin, we loved it. We spent the day on the beach swimming in very warm water, nothing like CapeTown- WARM.

Yesterday for the most part we spent the day driving through the outer banks stopping for a swim in a very calm sea, it was like a lake r a dam, you could walk miles and still not be deep enough to go under.
It was a mesmerizing drive, sea on both sides,white sand dunes and massive seagulls gliding just in front of the car,playing chicken.

We arrived in a town called Ocean City and its a real American broad walk on the sea and I actually love it. The beach goes on and on and the broad walk is exciting with shops and restraints and a 'fun fair'
My sister and I ended up having a disagreement,a massive argument a fight in volumes after a dinner, what started out as me being confused about simple math ended up in intense emotional battles, so there we were on the boardwalk arguing, of course when I'm upset I don't see anyone or anything else, so if people are watching it doesn't phase me, even when I stomp my feet screaming "don't you fucking talk to me like the" The argument as usual ended up in us ignoring each other and so it hangs. I never know what to do from here, ignorance is bliss, or dare to dwell?

I plan to rent a bike now and ride to the end of the boardwalk, have a swim and get on the road to New York City.

Our road trip is coming to an end soon and I am beginning to feel it and it feels kind of sad. Ive decided to stay in New York an extra week so at least my travels are not over just yet but in my mind travels are never really over, I travel even when I'm home sitting on the couch with my dog.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

In the garden of good and evil

After staying into good hotels, one being in the french quarter in New Orleans , truly with the setting of being in france itself to a hotel on Pensicola beach in Florida we have had pretty bad luck with accommodation since then with last night being the worst by far.

We drove into Savannah Georgia with the hope to couch surf up until we reached our destination. Ginger who would of been our host was probably the most eccentric woman I have met with eclectic home I have ever had the pleasure of visiting. As we walked through her house and into her back yard filled with make shift places to sleep 3 dogs and chickens one in our group asked to go to the toilet and upon returning informed me that he would be waiting on the street. This sparked my interest in what the toilet looked like. It was a toilet behind four sheer curtains, an open plan bathroom in an open planned house, the shower/bath was outside with the chickens.

Tarynn and I spent some time chatting and having a beverage with her as not to offend her by just leaving. She was explaining to us how she builds every thing followed by "all i need is a wife, but I'm not homesexual, I'm 67 I'm too old to be anything"

I found our time with her intriguing and am very glad I met her. Spending the night was clearly not going to work, for some it was a culture shock and yet again Tarynn was disappointed as she was trying to share a couch surfing experience with us and yet again it did not work out.

I find it fascinating how different we all are as humans, some of us who see her home as a slum and refuse to even stay there to have a drink , some of us who are polite enough to just hang around and have a drink and some of us who really wouldn't mind staying there at all.

So we made our way to Savannah suites and quite frankly this place is such a dump we may as well  of stayed with ginger, The room smells like urine, theres hair everywhere and nothing freaks me out more than hair and after sleeping in this bed my skin is itchy. I am glad to get out of this shit hole.

Savannah itself is the best town we have visited so far. It is a beautiful city with endless parks. The trees are full of moss. The streets with cafes. It is a student town and there is a lot of people watching to be done. The buildings are dreamlike, the whole town is like a story book. I loose myself to the moss in the trees,this enchanting little town with a magical feel. Unfortunately we only had a few hours so i feel like I need to return and explore Savannah some more. I noticed how friendly everyone here is , how flirtatious the girls are. I could get lost here for months. I imagine this to be a place where my mind could be creatively free.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Yesterday was a long day, it was emotionally draining and all of us seemed to have been bit by zombies. As I drove us through three states to get to Florida it was as if my muscle memory was doing the driving and I was not there at all.

As we left New Orleans there was an emotional explosion. Most would think it would be Tarynn and I would almost kill each other but it ended being the most unlikely of the two who almost killed one an other and this set us off into a very long quiet day of very heavy long silences that were powerfully emotional and draining.

Thankfully Florida happened. Once we arrived in Florida at night fall we met up wit Tarynns ex mother in law who is a hoot had a lovely dinner and set out to find somewhere to sleep. First we ended up at a seedy motel on the wrong side of the tracks. After looking at the grotty , sleazy , humid room I had a bad feeling and decided to move on. As we drove off we could tell or rather I could tell it was one of those motels where you go to drink,drug and fuck- I was surprised they didn't charge by the hour.

Eventually we ended up at a hotel on the Pensacola beach. Sure it was above our budget but I have no problem paying for comfort and once the others had there feet on the sand of the beach they too were satisfied with the price we were paying.

This morning was a beautiful start for me. Like every other morning I woke early, the difference between this morning and other mornings is that I got to walk on the beach, feel the sun rise on my skin,hear the ocean as it calmed me,I sat there , my mind silent for the first time in a long time, peaceful.

We just had a swim. The water here is like warm bath water, you could swim for hours and if we didn't have to hit the road I would of swam for hours.

We set off up the coast of Florida now, where we will find white beaches and clear blue water.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Where am I now?

Sadly we leave New Orleans tomorrow. This city is alive. There is music playing even when there is no music playing. There is a natural feeling of euphoria and manic likeness. I feel uppity even in my sleep I want to move. I feel the dance from the streets of New Orleans filling my body with music and energy. Its a thriving energy one i can't describe, all I know is my body moves even when its quite I find myself dancing.

It kind of gives me the same feeling as an urban burning man. Its nothing like burning man but theres this feel. How on every corner there is a performer or an act or a show, theres constantly something beautiful. Whether it be a musician or a dancer or a homeless guy pushing a bike with his dog sitting in the basket on front. It makes me feel less depressed as in more alive as in There are so many interesting characters, characters I could sit and watch for hours and sometimes do.

I watched an old man get down to some street jazz and I found him fascinating. He did dance like nobody was watching and like the whole world was watching at the same time as in he was so free an uninhibited he couldn't give a damn who was watching and every one that was watching , me, the world was loving him. I watched him for a long while because with every beat that he moved to and the more I watched him 'get down' was every beat that i felt a sense of 'euphoria' as in a smug happiness of sorts.

Ive found New Orleans to be a drug, an anti depressant type formula, only I have to leave tomorrow and my drug will be gone but I can hold that I found a place that made me smile with the sadness.

I could go on writing about Bourbon street being a tourist trap but we even had fun with that. Actually i found myself watching a stripper trying to coax people into her strip club and I watched closely because in her I could see the same things I see in myself and we are worlds a part but she had the saddest eyes. Sure she was probably high but with every 'transaction' she made her body language would cower and her head would lower and she would see me watching her , she looked directly at me , a half smile that said "i know"

Anyway enough with the sad sod stuff.

I am tired out, a lot of energy, a lot of walking, a lot of blisters, a lot of heat with great rainstorms in 37 degrees I love that. I just had a swim and I love that too. There always going to be things you don't like in a place or a person or yourself and it be right or not but there are always things you're going to love in a place or a person or yourself.

Tomorrow we make our way to a swamp, maybe we can see some alligators, I might feed a couple of people to them;) then we head of ftp Florida. And the way we go.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

"Before Elvis there was nothing" John Lennon

I a sad taste in my mouth as we Left the ranch and made our way to Memphis. Once we reached Memphis it was 37 degrees, hot as hell and so humid, my clothes stuck to my skin. I didn't like Memphis very much, to me it was a big tourist trap, Beale street I imagine way back when was sweet jazz and blues droning the streets with soothing sounds of the night. I could see Elvis Presley walking down the street falling through bar to bar with his entourage of people, smiling with that killer wicked curl of the lip.

Sadly this is Beal street no more, Now we have souvenir shop after souvenir shop with masses of tourists, watching kids flip flop in the streets. Sure theres still jazz but not as authentic as before, its a fucking tourist magnet , end of. I hated the crowds of people sticking to me as the sweat stuck to my skin, I had enough from the moment I got there.

Graceland however to me personally was definitely worth my time. For those who don't know Elvis Presley's Graceland, he built lived and died. I really found it fascinated , I could even sense things or his presence that was once there. I was fascinated at how over the top he was in everything, cars homes,clothes everything, extravagant - I love it! The rooms in his house so beautifully mastered and creatively competed. He had 3 or 4 entertainment room each with different themes and each very inspiring. I have always liked Elvis, I was brought up on Elvis as it filtered through my moms diner where I spent a lot of my childhood days. I wanted to dance like Elvis, Sing Like Elvis , Meet Elvis, hell I even wanted to be Elvis. So yes I am one of those suckers who honestly enjoyed every attraction of Graceland and the the time line life line of Elvis.

I smile at Memphis from this view and this view only, it was not or is not my favorite city and now that I have visited Graceland I doubt I would ever go back. You know cities can be like people , you don't always gel or just because you're in the same place at the same time does not mean you're going to like the same things or each other for that matter, so if Memphis don't like me and I don't like Memphis I'm down with that.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Way Down South

We were on the road for a long time , the road seemed to go on and on and there was no end, I was driving and after some time panic struck, everything hit me, my chest closed in and one moment I was driving the next I was lost in some anxiety ball. Tarynn could sense something was wrong and we pulled over, I couldn't understand it. I tell you this because a few minutes later we stopped on the side of the road next to a lake and went for a swim. When I dove in all that angst just went away with the water, I swam the nerves out and it was incredible. That swim is one of the things I will remember most about this trip. And so....

We have spent a beautiful few days way down south in a little town Mc Burg in Tennessee. We were staying in a ranch with the Buford family , who Tarynn like to call her American grandparents and I feel honored to share the same sentiment about them.

I woke up every morning at 6am to a fresh pot of coffee and sat out on the porch of a timber built house, rocking on my chair taking in the view of rolling hills,cows doing what ever it is that cows do, horses grazing and 'my' Jesse a three year old Border Collie running up and down the ranch after the animals the cars, she even played Frisbee with herself as in she would pick he Frisbee up , throw it in the air and catch it. I have never seen anything like it.

Mornings were my most favorite because Joanne "American Grand Ma" and I would sit on that porch and we would chat. I would listen to her stories about living all over the world, more personal things and then just trivial things too. It was special for me because I felt a connection a real connection and it is not that often I have these connections in life of late. We would go from rocking on our chairs while I smoked and she spoke to the kitchen where she would fix us up some breakfast.

We were spoilt. 

I won't forget how Glenn drove us all round the farm, picking figs from trees for me to eat. As I ate my figs he picked apples for the horses. We spent some time with the horses, beautiful beasts,beautiful beings. Glenn (American grand pa) too us to a real southern barbecue. We not talking braai, we talking pig. They roast them some pig and we eat it with potatoes and beans. As we walked into the hall he loved introducing "these are my friends from SouthAfrica" I don't think half the people knew what he was talking about. Tarynn and I returned to the hall later that afternoon to watch a 'baby-10 year old beauty contest' At first I found it to be hilarious and then disgusting. Watching the parents giving them commands such as "jump,fetch,sit" only "blow kiss," The agony on there faces when there kids didn't win.

This morning sadly we had to leave the life of the ranch and the home of the Bufords. Saying good bye was not easy for me. I not only bonded with Jesse the dog but also with what I now feel to be 'a part of my life' As every other day I had my Coffee with Joanne, I smoked and listened to her stories as she told them so beautifully. I could sit out on that porch and listen to her for hours. Glenn gave me some more figs as a parting gift, as I hugged Jesse goodbye, my eyes watered-a league and the feeling of loss she It was time to leave hit me suddenly-I didn't realize what I was feeling til now.

I am really glad i can always find a home deep down south in Tennessee.