Friday, September 6, 2013

Yesterday was a long day, it was emotionally draining and all of us seemed to have been bit by zombies. As I drove us through three states to get to Florida it was as if my muscle memory was doing the driving and I was not there at all.

As we left New Orleans there was an emotional explosion. Most would think it would be Tarynn and I would almost kill each other but it ended being the most unlikely of the two who almost killed one an other and this set us off into a very long quiet day of very heavy long silences that were powerfully emotional and draining.

Thankfully Florida happened. Once we arrived in Florida at night fall we met up wit Tarynns ex mother in law who is a hoot had a lovely dinner and set out to find somewhere to sleep. First we ended up at a seedy motel on the wrong side of the tracks. After looking at the grotty , sleazy , humid room I had a bad feeling and decided to move on. As we drove off we could tell or rather I could tell it was one of those motels where you go to drink,drug and fuck- I was surprised they didn't charge by the hour.

Eventually we ended up at a hotel on the Pensacola beach. Sure it was above our budget but I have no problem paying for comfort and once the others had there feet on the sand of the beach they too were satisfied with the price we were paying.

This morning was a beautiful start for me. Like every other morning I woke early, the difference between this morning and other mornings is that I got to walk on the beach, feel the sun rise on my skin,hear the ocean as it calmed me,I sat there , my mind silent for the first time in a long time, peaceful.

We just had a swim. The water here is like warm bath water, you could swim for hours and if we didn't have to hit the road I would of swam for hours.

We set off up the coast of Florida now, where we will find white beaches and clear blue water.

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