Friday, September 13, 2013

walk in the palm

So the trip still goes on as we have made it to New York City. I like it here, I like the feeling here in all its busy madness there is always a place of calm. There may always be sound flowing from one street to the next but for me there is a sense of quiet in the heart of all that sound, that noise, I call it silent noise.

We spent the day in the natural history museum which my cousin and Tarynn really enjoyed I am not not all that into museums but obviously found some things of interest. Mostly the planetarium , visually was one of the most amazing visual experiences I have ever had.

We walked through central park to the bear statue. Now the bear statue for Tarynn and I is a statue we hold dear as ir is one of a childhood memory. We visited this very statue with my mom when I was 11 and Tarynn was 10, we climbed up onto the bears with my mother like little super heroes and screamed. Yesterday amongst many people we reenacted out childhood memory and this for me brought a great big smile as I slid off my bear whilst holding his ear.

We made our way home in rush hour , riding the trains from station to stain, all I can say is, Im thankful for air conditioning.

As we got home there was a major rainstorm, thunder,lightning water everywhere, it was beautiful, the air still humid my skin still warm, i allowed the drops of rain to fall on me so I could cool off. "I like this rain"

Not everyone in our party likes New York but I goes New York is not for everybody just like any other place in the world, thats why we are all so very different.

I myself am happy to wake up once again in this beautiful City.

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