Thursday, March 1, 2012


Ive lived in different places,Ive even lived in different worlds. I am currently accessing new ones and exploring.

When I was small I remember how we used to take walks through jungles and swamps and sinking mud. We tracked through lands where vines would grab us by our ankles and string us into the sky. As we hung upside down, we had really quick thinking to get loose. Suddenly I would have knife the size of a sword or a magic potion that gave me the strength to get free. We would jump through waterfalls and walk through portals of very exciting worlds. We escaped, just with imagination. I remember when that was enough.

If I look at it now. Those dangerous jungles,swamps,sinking mud and poisonous vines were in fact our troubles,our feelings,the world we could not handle. Then the quick thinking,the strange weapons. Our way of rescuing ourselves from the danger in life,the feelings that bound us to reality. Obviously  the portals were what we wanted to be real. Dreams.

I was brought to these thoughts today as two things came to me. I saw some little boys playing along side the lake. I giggled when the one boy slipped and fell in, grabbing onto some flimsy reeds to pull himself up but the more he pulled the more grip he lost. His friend grabbed him and they both fell over as he emerged, soaked in mud,shoes,clothes and all.

I giggled as I flashed back to when I was small and how every time without fail when we went on our adventures, anytime we were near water, I fell in, returning home soaked, Mom not impressed "again?" Sheepishly smiling as she led me to the shower. I was as a result called 'clumsy  Carey' Its stuck you know.

The second thing s dandelions. Where I live right now there seem to be many, and the seedlings or the 'fluff' has landed every where on every thing. As I got irritated, changing my dogs water bowl for the umpteenth time today,due to dandelion water, i was reminded how once upon a time I found the same thing magical. We used to call dandelion, fairies or angels. I believed if one landed on me I was protected , protected by a presence I did not yet understand, it was a blessing. So now as I see it blowing into my house, laid on everything I smile.

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