Monday, December 12, 2011


I have been carrying a migraine for 2 days. Ive drank at least two gallons of water,slept and popped so many pills I'm surprised I can still see through these eyes,think with this mind and type with these hands (all mine) I've just had my first fight with the neighbours, well more like me  shouting profanity at the top of my voice hoping they will hear me, talking to my dog, telling her "You see Phoenix , you should be happy you re not a person" all because they could not walk 5 steps to my door to let me know that the blinking light outside my house is bothering them. No instead they go to management of the estate, put in an official complaint and send in the 'big guns' So my raised voice went something like this "what the fuck is wring with you fucking people cant you walk 5 fucking steps and ask me nicely what the fuck is going on with my fucking light, fine I will electrocute my fucking self because you all a bunch of fucking dicks! fuck all of you! You messing with the wrong fucking girl. I have fucking mental problems , so bring it on bitches, welcome to the fucking neighbourhood, Phoenix this is why people are so fucked up because they don't know how to be nice, fuccccccccccccccck"

So an over reaction? somewhat? 

The thing is I am having so many niggling little issues and I hold it in and I hold it in and then something this small just pushes me over the edge. I should learn not to but Its truly uncontrollable. I am really sensitive and I am so 'nice' I take it very personally. I wish I could be less sensitive. I think it comes down to the fact that I am living in the wrong city, amongst the wrong people, where's my space,my choice? It's like playing go fish.

Anyway, I'm enjoying my Christmas gift process, it keeps me grounded and I float with beautiful ideas,Giving is a blessing so is receiving. I've always found it so hard to receive, I get all funny,shy and weird. but it works both ways if you can receive you should be able to give and if you can give you should allow yourself to receive. I don't get these people who sit at Christmas and receive receive receive and have absolute no guilt that they are not giving in return. I mean you don't have to spend money , use your imagination why don't you, we all have one.

This link below has put a huge smile on my face. So I put it here for two reasons, it makes me smile and well what does it make you do? smile,get sick,laugh,sing along,dance along, wanna do the locomotion with me? :____) 

the lip sync is freaking hilarious (well its all pretty funny) 


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