Monday, December 5, 2011

Im Alive

The fuck off switch is a dangerous button. Can lead to all sorts of justifications. I thought mine flipped earlier today, my finger hovering over it. The who cares one is equal to the fuck off. The same thing really. Both of those combined are exactly what lead me into rehab 2 and a bit years ago.

I stick to my decision, so fuck it to the fuck off and who cares for the who cares. Not I. Not today.

I am currently very busy working on Christmas gifts. i love every second of making,preparing being in Christmas with my loved ones. i love it all. I'm like a kid with my chocolate calender, my mini tree, my cards on the fridge, my dogs Christmas bandanna, my red jersey. Divine, in me.

So I have no thoughts as I am really into what I am doing at this moment and just want to share that "I'm Alive" quoted from my cousin.

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