Friday, December 30, 2011

going to the chapel...

Here is a great way to bring my day to an almost close. Sitting here discussing marriage with my cousin. He is 17 but not 17 as he is more advanced then more then double his age. Having this conversation is very interesting as he is full of facts. 
He reckons that people who think same sex marriage is 'disturbing' people who believe it is harming to 'family values' are bigots. "marriage is about family values, people want to get married to be a family"

Well for me it is quite simple, I don't really see the point of marriage. I think the relationship is important and putting an 'wedding stamp' on it doesn't make it more Superior or less. You can commit and love and be regardless. Okay maybe its easier with marriage for medical,insurance,inheritance and 'joint ' bank accounts, I don't know I'm sure these days some would say "I didn't ask her to civil union me."

Funny as I used to be a hopeless romantic,who believed in the marriage now I'm just a hopeless romantic.. I had a nice little wedding ceremony planned in my head, a few actually. Kids too. But that's another piece of my mind/heart. 

 I don't think I will ever get married, by choice although knowing me I could probably be persuaded:)

I suppose coming from a 'broken' family has also lead me to my firm belief or is it non belief. Sometimes people just say they don't believe in the wedding union because they fear never finding the one. I can find the one without a piece of paper that says we belong together(ownership) I already know we belong together. also just because one is married it does not mean there is less risk you will break up but looking at society today I would say that is pretty clear.

Sure, how beautiful vows on the beach as the sunsets, whisked off to your room and do what you have been doing for years before you are married anyway, but of course it is more pure on this day,"special' Unless you really are a virgin and in that case specially painful" mmm

I'm happy to love and ride into the sunset on our black or white horse, to stop at a chalet on the hill with a breathtaking view, fire going as we make love for an eternity. That's more romantic the saying I do, because you know what I DO.

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