Thursday, December 29, 2011


I have had a really rough day. That could even be an understatement. You see I have been suffering from intense 'migranes' for the past month or more. As in everyday,all day,all night my head seizes to dis"ease"

Naturally I called my psychiatrist trying to find a connection from headache to lithium and it was said that it was possible My body had become toxic due to levels causing migraines/headaches. Well the dose was taken down and the physical pain has not gone, it seems to have worsened.

Yes perhaps it is connected to my emotional stress but I believe this is more, OR maybe the feelings have become toxic for my body. Either way its hard to swallow the effects of my medicine,taking medicine day after day hoping for different results and still feeling shit. Both emotionally and physically.

I am not well. My head is distorted and everything is intense but hazy.

Things would be very different if I didn't have this little heart beat beside me everyday. She can sense when somethings wrong. She follows me around, she licks my head when it is sore, she lays her head on my tummy when I lie down, she cuddles me. She watches me as I sleep, she saves me when I want to end.

Yes I am totally in love with my Phoenix and she truly is my best friend.

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