Saturday, November 26, 2011

another rap song

What I am about to put down here may be embarrassing, to that I say so what. It's a part of me and it got me laughing. It also made me realise I have enjoyed rhyming from a very early age.

I have spent most of my day unpacking boxes as i try to settle in my new home. Suffocated by "stuff" that is not me nor mine. Bits and pieces from my step mother. It is going to take some getting used to. I am a Taurus, through and through (for that which of star signs are true and really anyone can have parts of any star sign) still a Taurus a homebody. So getting used to this 'stuff' will take some time.

I am thankful for the things I've found in my boxes. Discarded becomes alive again. That's where the inspiration for this entry comes in. In my youth I like writing 'songs','Rap' songs I have come across two of those today and for me it's very entertaining.....

1988--- 9years old: there were three of us, my sister,my cousin and myself, this 'song was for all of us.

The Rap Band
Jus: Rap------
Ta:  Rap------
Carey: Rap-----
All: Rap------

All: Rap is the kinda thing we like to do
       all the time we do it we do it with a shoe

Jus: Now for Carey

Care: My name is Carey I like to sing rap
        I sing it all the time with my gang called Cat

Care: Now for Tarynn

Ta: My name is Tarynn I sleep all the time
      I like to eat my breakfast but not every kind

TA: Now for Justin

Jus: Ive got a little sickness its not very nice
       I cant do all the fun but I have to pay the price
       but anyway

All: Now for all us three

All: Thats the facts we all like to say
        and we will be on our way
        123   The Rap Band

1997------- 18 years old (back in the day I thought I was a gangsta, these lyrics are alot like adolescent poetry)

Going into the past of something that didn't last.
Want to die not stay alive just wait and give me a chance to survive.
I know i got what it takes so come get what I got.
Trust me people that's a whole lot.
Don't stop me now for the depression of this session
is the reason of confession
in believing that we can survive
without love and stay alive
Dead is my mind
no more feelings to find
Holding the gun to my head
while they all saying "go ahead"
pull the trigger "BANG"
no way stop that thing!
Bullets of deception
that's one mistake that needs correction
You know its wrong all the lyrics of this song
Taking a life is wrong she thinks
I cant tell you how much it stinks
so give me a chance
take the thoughts away and allow me to dance
Dance to the mythical tune of reciprocal
thoughts that were meant to repent

And there you go, by analysing these, I have always crossed the boundaries of depression. Deep....

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