Thursday, November 3, 2011

message revealed

I found myself compelled to making those paper things I used to make all the time at school, I searched everywhere on the Internet trying to place a name to this game and nothing, I cant find anything. It gets me thinking when you don't know what you're searching for how will you ever find it, and this is how I feel.

It came up as I was thinking about all the games we used to play as children, Ta , Jussie and I. Only they were not games they were so real for us. Every character we took on became us or we them. Call it escape call it pleasure but I most definitely call it my safe world, even though some of those games were far from safe. We or I could be anything, anything: from singer to cowboy/girl to platoon leader to anaconda to writer to Australian, to pirate , I was , we were a trip and our trip was unlimited, we were gifted with imagination. our booby traps were colourful, but we would always warn the one of what we were in for.
I remember when we played very magical games in my grandparents garden, the garden turned into magical landscapes and as I sit here typing now I remember monkeys that could fly and soldiers who tried to kill me or take me, I remember castles at the mulberry bush, I remember the swimming pool being a swamp with 2 headed creatures or depending on the game a , other times the pool would be enchanted by a light such as the blue grotto, it would give us life.
These games went on, we rode stallions and unicorns, we bounced instead walked, we wrestled in mud, when we ate mulberries we called it our gummiberry juice and everything became speed motion, we spoke faster,walked faster, circled and fell to the ground, when we climbed trees we climbed into the clouds and lay there for hours just dreaming. When we swam we could breathe under water, we could dive through the air without landing, we could we could I should I can!

Is it okay to miss my past, everyone always tells me to get over it,get on with it,move on. Fuck that, whats wrong with remembering,we have been given memories because its a part of us,its a part of me and I choose not to forget, any of it, nothing- because its me(a part of me) I get live in the now. But should i feel guilty every time i wander to the then just because Ive heard so often don't look back look forward: I SAY FUCK THAT, why cant I do both? And lets not forget instead of everyone always telling me to look forward, right now I'm looking down and quite frankly I would rather be here, now if I can, but still look back a little,look forward a little: balance?

Ah the good old balance theory, I often wander how many manage to truly put that into practice. particularly the ones who are demanding your life to you constantly. But balance is a wonderful concept.

I like looking back into my childhood safe world, because I was beautiful there,WE we together and strong and things were in a light I don't often feel falling on my face. It sometimes illuminates from the essence of me, but I can only be me if i allow my self to remember who me is!


1,2,3 Play with me
  3rd try(pis from childhood,message in the picture)
4th try: black


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