Tuesday, October 11, 2011

dawn - dusk - dawn

I woke before birds chitter an gazed upon the sun rise from behind the mountain. Just moments ago looking again at the same mountain I watched the moon rise.
In one day I have been the viewer of a shining or two climb the sky.

Im glad that in all my foolishness of mania I can sit for those few moments and remember the stillness of both the moment when it became morning and then true night. Anything in-between before or thereafter is purely a rush of going round the bend again.

i imagine the in-between is like some sort of slide,rushing down, but down is not falling to the ground. My slide is the wrong way round so I am sliding up and at the top I hold a balloon in my hand,my balloon takes me on a ride a ride to the bottom,the merry go round begins.

I left my humble abode today, "make way for the shops" I had one mission, just one. I need to go buy vegetables for my stir fry tonight, but they had to be the ready cut ones in the packet.(cheaper -and Im momentarily money strapped,so things like that make all the difference) I have no recollection of the happenings at the shop. The mundane things like getting out the car and getting back in about sums it up. Aside from that I remember this:

I met a girl today. Mesmerized. She was fixated, could not take her eyes off me. I didn't look her in the eye,I simply couldn't. We touched and I couldn't let go, i was caressing her hand,wiping it as if I was burrowing something out of it… Thats exactly what I was doing, she was the cashier at the shop where i was buying my vegetables. She was staring at me because I blanked out as I gave her the wrong denomination of money. "We" touched because for some unknown reason to me I decided to hold her hand and burrow my money out of it then pay her exactly what I had paid her before= the wrong amount. At this point I felt like i was now bouncing off the walls I was like and elephant with the energy levels of a lion while he mates ricocheting off the walls. I only realized what happened as I was halfway to the car holding a roll of plastic bags in my hand, I obviously took from the cashier and I just cracked up laughing.

Oh okay, lets go home and stay inside just still you've calmed down. Im still bouncing but I feel calm. If calm is a tingle in my brain.

I will try not to stare at the moon until it fades into sun.

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